Jan 4, 2025
'“My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will see I was right.” Adolf Hitler prophesied a week before his alleged death. Hitler knew the true Jewish cabal he seemed to eradicate weren't within reach! Even though he had imprisoned Baron Louis Rothschild, a 4th generation of the Rothschild's dynasty founder, he knew the cabal would rally every country it controlled through their central banksters Ponzi scheme. The Nazis leveraged Rothschild's home confinement dubbed imprisonments for a $21,000,000 payment for his release. Although Rothschild was released, the terms were kept under wraps. This was a move that couldn't be ignored by the Jewish banksters, they would pull no punches getting the world's superpower to the Frontline! America had a Hitler rise to power trying to free his people from the fiat debt based central bank system. John f Kennedy promised Americans a sound, reliable currency that threatened to take the power and influence away from these Jewish parasites leeching the taxpayers! He was killed by the Mossad after he demanded Israel register as a foreign lobby. Fast forward to today where the greater Israel Zionist form the Republican party and progressive socialist form the Democrats, and you find Jewish influence within all aspects of our government! The things Hitler spoke about and exposed to the world was a truth that would be suppressed from the masses for generations. When he spoke about the Jews being “a parasite in the body of peoples” that “under whose parasitism the whole of humanity is suffering!” Hitler was right!
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