MK Ultra
Using Television "programs" the majority of the citizens have been put into a mass hypnosis compliments of the CIA operation MK Ultra. Project MK Ultra was a government operation carried out on unsuspecting Americans, on American soil, paid for with American tax dollars. The project officially started in 1953, this government agency drugged victims with LSD and other chemical concoctions, then would follow and observe them like lab rats. Claiming once the information about the project became public, that they were combating communist infiltration by POWs coming back from the Korean war. Eventually perfecting mind manipulation through multiple different methods such as electroshock therapy, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse. Hypnosis is easier to achieve when the subjects have chemical concoctions in their system. Thats why the Jewish pharmaceutical industry pushes psychiatric drugs on the population. With 1 in 6 American adults on some form of Antidepressant or sedative and the propaganda television instilling the programming, they are achieving their goal of a populace hypnotic trance. The literal walking brain-dead. The American prison systems use the isolation tactics to deal with unruly prisoners, and dissidents. Music moguls and Mossad operatives use sexual abuse along with blackmail to control their mental slaves. Everything from the public indoctrination schools, television shows, music, and social media are used in conjunction with drugs (legal and illegal) to sway and manipulate the public. Break the mental chains this global cabal has placed on the white mind. The only path to Liberation is through Resistance to the Jewish propaganda!
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