Long gone are the days when White men could be proud, without being accused of supremacy. The global cabal plans to eradicate the White man, to further enslave humanity. Using terms like Nazi, Fascist, Racist, and Anti- semitic to stifle opposing speech. Breaking any alliances with other races is key to the cabal's plan, teaching non-white people that Whites are beneath them. With European birthrates falling, and all non-European rates rising, a designed ethnic cleansing is taking place with nobody batting an eye. Government intrusion in American families, bought and paid for media, and a mass indoctrination through the education system are to blame. Arising from the feminist movement, the abortion industry boomed. Women are free to abort babies without the father's consent, yet if a dad decides not to take care of the kid the government garnishes his wages and threatens imprisonment. The media that's owned by a handful of companies, normalizes social behavior. MK Ultra has taught us that mass hypnosis can be achieved with Television propaganda. Thanks to the Smith Mundt act being repealed, government can disseminate state sponsored propaganda. And finally, the corrupt socialist education system designed to eliminate diversity amongst ideals to usher in global groupthink, bought and managed by the Rockefeller foundation. All weaponized against the White tax-paying Americans. Making sure young Americans idolize degenerates and homosexuals, the enemy pulls us farther from God. The sex, drugs and rock-n-roll era to the MTV generation, to gangster rap, and the social media age, the decline of western culture has been in the works for centuries. Finally culminating into New Babylon AKA America, the strong arm of the beast system. The only cure is Nationalism!
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