It’s hard to deny what is in front of your eyes. Unless you’re a complete retard. On a nice day sky free of all clouds, yet you see multiple planes at different altitudes going different directions leaving thin trails of smoke behind them. Weve been told by multiple experts that these are water vapors called contrail. Unlike other planes in the sky these smoke trails expand across the sky. After a couple hours the sky looks completely overtaken with grey clouds, as if a storm appeared out of nowhere! If you pay close enough attention, you can see these smoke streams abruptly stop as if someone shuts a valve midflight. Once these streams overtake the sky blocking sunlight, it seems like rainy and dreary weather plagues earth.
I will admit, this is a conspiracy against the world. This illusion of climate change is a psychological hoax perpetrated by the synagogue of Satan! The conspiracy is to create a problem IE; climate change to siphon off Sheckles through the central bank. Through DEI initiatives set by BlackRock, vanguard, and state street, they insure to have who they need where they want. The psyops part being, the mass shit eating population believes it’s just a conspiracy “theory”. Theres enough testimonies, evidence and admissions from participants, yet the thought is still Ludacris!
Using chemtrails to manipulate weather or poison your population is warfare against humanity. To cull the population as they break traditionally white countries borders, sending their third world replacements in waves of 100s of thousands at a time. Using climate agenda to break our industry while shipping American jobs overseas. All as they pour heavy metal and chemical concoctions over political boundaries of ignorant and corrupt politicians!
The plan to institute a carbon tax is the ultimate goal of these global communist. As we will pay to even exist, the elite will continue to siphon as much wealth as they can to keep the goyim from funding sovereignty. Digital currency will help advance this beast system enslave the unfortunate souls who didn’t heed these warnings. Manufactured climate crises and mass migration aim to destabilize the west, to divert our eyes from the atrocities committed by Israeli and American governments. Say no to playing their game. Rebel by not participating in this psychological enslavement!
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